A Sonic Exploration of Hyperbolic Paraboloids
An audience-interactive sonification of hyperbolic paraboloids.
After Ours
A multi-media installation investigating two places in West Yorkshire, wherein posthuman bodies merge with rock, steel, and time.
Modified Upright Piano
Publically playable piano which lights up when played.
Disorientating reimagination of watching a video on a smartphone.
Rotting Fruit Still Life (Apples, Bananas, Oranges)
A series of cross-stitched pieces depicting fused-together rotting fruits.
Weighing an Object’s Sound
A collection of objects and instructions for audience interaction.
Gas Station
A humming group of ceramic cups mounted on a metallic structure
Frigates Caught in Ventilation
Clamorous crunches, continuous humming, and unintelligible voices are heard deep within this alien structure.